7 Tips for a Career Pivot

Are you looking for a career pivot and want it to be as successful as possible? Then check out these career pivot strategies.

If you're considering a career pivot, know that the best career change advice is the stuff that you feel in your gut. It can be challenging to think about change - change is hard for many of us but happiness in your career is worth a pivot if you feel like you are stuck or need a change.

1) Get clear on the “Why?” The answer to this question will be the foundation for your next steps. Are your skills no longer needed? Are you craving more work/life balance? Are you bored, and you need a more significant challenge? Determine the driving factors that will guide you; otherwise, you may land in a new spot with the same problem.

2) Spend some time on the “What’s Next?” What does the new job look like and not look like? Spend some time on job boards looking at what’s out there. This doesn’t mean you need to settle for what you see posted but rather use what you find to help you identify your desired position or career.

3) Look at your transferable skills, also known as “career capital.” These skills are critical to your next move. These are skills that you have that are valuable to employers across industries and functions. Some examples are project management, communication, management, etc. If you don’t have the skills you need for this new opportunity, start acquiring them now to make yourself more marketable.

4) Update your brand.  This includes your resume, LinkedIn, “elevator pitch” and the answer to “what do you do” when you meet someone, etc. You want these to focus on your new goals moving forward rather than what you’ve done in the past.

5) Network and make connections. Your connections may be able to refer you for entry-level roles in a new industry, which saves you a lot of time and effort in wooing recruiters looking through your application. And there's nothing prospective employers love more than someone vouching for the chance they're taking on you.

6) Do your research. When you’re shifting your career path, it’s essential to have some data under your belt. Success comes easy to the well-prepared, and we can all stand to learn a thing or two about preparation; if you’re interested in pivoting down a new path, set aside time to do some research about that field. The more you learn before you dive in, the better chance you have of enjoying the job later down the line. Also, the more information you have, the less likely you will be surprised or disappointed if something unforeseen arises.


7) Continuing education. You’ll likely need new skills to qualify for different roles when making a career transition.

Consider what your new career will look like. If classes or certifications are involved, it's a good call to check out what those milestones look like. When you come to the table prepared, your future self will be grateful for your hard work.

Unfortunately, online courses or advanced degrees can be costly. Budgeting can be an incredible source of stress. Glancing ahead at your next paydays, preparing for a lapse in income, and getting creative with your time might save you the hassle of chaos that comes with any transition.

Now that you've aligned your strategy, it's time to make this change come to life. Though a career pivot can feel like a balancing act, you are the one who gets to decide which hand catches the next ball. You work hard to play hard, and you might as well be somewhere doing something that you love.


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